Do you have a backup policy that covers the Worst Case Scenario


I've a lot of photos and videos of my children. I feel that losing those pictures would be a real pain for me and my family.

In the past I use to make, from time to time, a DVD with all my digital photos, but nowadays, my gallery is just too large to make DVDs of it.

So the way to go is to have a backup on Hard Drive. That's right. I have a external USB Disk dedicated to Time Machine. This situation is safe. For disk failure. But not for instance for robbery, or a fire/water damaging both disks at the same time, since thay are almost located at the same place.

Some of you are almost ready to tell me about the cloud, but I don't to go that way.

So my question is: What kind of procedure do you use to keep a safe copy of your stuff?

Best Answer

I have one hard drive connected to my iMac for use with Time Machine. In addition to the Time Machine backup, I maintain a bootable clone of my iMac's hard drive using SuperDuper. The hard drive with the bootable backup is stored at my in-laws' house (you could just as easily store it at a friend's house or at work). The off-site clone is updated once a week.

With this setup, I can recover individual files from Time Machine if necessary, but I have an off-site backup in case of a catastrophe (fire, burglary, etc.). Some people maintain a much more redundant backup scheme, but I think this provides adequate protection with relatively little effort.