Do the Airpods Pro change how your internal voice sounds


This is just a question for owners of Airpods Pro. I've noticed that with regular earbuds that seal with a foam or soft plastic tip, the seal makes your internal voice sound weird. This is very jarring and makes speaking normally very difficult. This makes earbuds very uncomfortable to use for meetings/phone calls.

Apple's regular wired earbuds don't have a perfect seal, and talking with them in doesn't change the way my voice sounds to myself. This is good, but the earbuds also don't fit well in my ears and keep falling out.

I can't find anyone talking about this online, possibly because I don't know what terms to search for. I'm wondering if anyone with Airpods Pro can let me know:

  1. Are you familiar with this problem? It's possible that not everyone experiences this.
  2. Do the Airpods Pro have this problem, where your voice sounds different to yourself? Does this change if you use Transparency mode?

Best Answer

No they do not - not due to plugging your ears and not due to loopback.

Both AirPods and AirPods Pro don’t loop back audio, so you don’t get any negative effects whatsoever. You have to go out of your way to loop the audio back with a tool like LoopBack to get any hint of your own vocalizations in the mix.

AirPods Pro can be even better in transparency mode if you don’t like to have any attenuation. The Pro on full isolation mode are less effective than Etymotic ER-6 and more effective than foam noise protectors in my experience in terms of external noise and less impactful to making you think your voice is different.