Disabling Audio on Internal Speakers for High Sierra onwards

audioheadphoneshigh sierra

I have users in my lab that run sound via their speakers. I would like to disable the ability to do so on all machines in the lab to prevent this, whilst still allowing them to use their headphones.

I have read articles about how to disable all audio (not a totally desirable outcome, but better than the alternative) by deleting the IOAudioFamily.kext file, however, this doesn't seem to work on High Sierra.

Has anyone aware of a solution to this issue?

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

I found this for you...

How to set the volume level to the secret minimum

So here's the deal, normally when you set the volume to 0 the speakers are automatically muted. On the keyboard you can hit the mute button while the volume is at 0 and it will unmute to the secret lowest volume setting.

Likewise, you can instruct AppleScript to not automatically mute the volume:

osascript -e "set volume without output muted output volume 1 --100%"

How to set the volume without unmuting

Sometimes you want the volume to stay muted, but to come on at a particular level when you unmute.

This is how you prevent the audio from unmuting when you adjust the volume level:

osascript -e "set volume with output muted output volume 42 --100%"