Disable Safari plugin without (re)moving the file


I've been Flash-free in Safari (5.0.3, my primary browser) for a while now, using Chrome with its bundled Flash Player whenever I have to.

I'm also developing a little bit in Flash for school, and have ended up using the Flash Debug Player, since it's really convenient to use trace for debugging.

I tried just putting the Debug Player inside my Google Chrome.app, similar to how the existing Flash Player is located, but Chrome refused to detect this, so I had to put it in /Library/Internet Plug-ins, and now Safari detects it too.

Is there any way I can get Safari to ignore this plugin, or something that makes sure Chrome can find it, and not Safari?

Best Answer

You have to rename the Flash debug plugin, in order to be available to Chrome.

  • Go to 'Chrome.app/Contents/Versions/10.0.../Internet Plug-ins'
  • delete the 'Flash Player Plugin for Chrome.plugin'
  • put there your debug 'Flash Player.plugin'
  • rename it to 'Flash Player Plugin for Chrome.plugin'
  • restart Chrome