Disable Apple Watch Screen Capture


How can I disable or modify the screen capture feature of the Apple Watch?

Although it may one day be a useful feature for me to take a screen capture of my watch, the hardware realities of the Apple Watch make this an extremely annoying implementation. It is all too easy to unknowingly and accidentally depress both the side button and digital crown at the same time.

Yes, I've tried wearing the watch higher up my wrist, and several different bands. I don't want to switch the watch's orientation because it would be at the cost of making the crown much less accessible. When I wear the watch while working out or doing physical work, I end up with a bunch of unwanted images propagating to all sorts of cloud backups, etc. I've taken to using the Screenshots album on my iPhone to mass delete, but they're already clogging my bandwidth and aforementioned storage.

Best Answer

In watchOS 3, go to the Watch App -> General there is a toggle called Enable Screenshots that should be disabled by default (you have to scroll down a bit). When the switch is disabled, you can't take screenshot on the Watch.