Disable ⌘Q for a specific application


I know someone or the other has asked about disabling ⌘Q, but I like the shortcut, and I use it often. However, I use an email client called Airmail that unfortunately does not keep a service (for notifications) running in the background when it is quitted. However, if I press the close button a service runs in the background, allowing me to receive notifications.

But since I have a habit of pressing ⌘Q all the time to close apps, I was looking into a way I could disable it for only Airmail.

Anyone know of a what to do this?

Best Answer

You can add a Key Command to any app [or all apps] from
System Prefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts
I don't have Airmail, but using Safari as an example

enter image description here

Hit the + button, select which app, type the menu name & your chosen key combo
For an app you don't want the original key combo to work for, replace it with something difficult to hit, or something you would never use, like
Cmd ⌘ / Opt ⌥ / Ctrl ⌃ / Shift ⇧ / F15 etc

Alternatively, if you want to replace Quit with Close Window, you add Cmd ⌘ Q to Close Window instead, [so long as that command appears in the menu somewhere] which will automatically remove Cmd ⌘ Q from the Quit item

enter image description here