Directly input “duration” data type into Numbers formula


I am trying to create a formula in Numbers which takes a duration and calculates what percentage this is of another duration.

For example, I have a duration of 1h 30m in cell A1. I want to calculate what this is as a percentage of 9h. I am trying to output 17%.

I tried diving the cell A1 by 9, but this (rightfully) outputs a duration as A1 is being divided by a number. I need to divide A1 by another duration (i.e. 9h) in order to get a fraction. Is it possible to do this directly in the formula? The only other way I can how to do it is by inputing a duration of 9h into cell B2, and then writing =A1/B2. However, I would prefer being able to avoid using the auxiliary cell B2 when performing this calculation.

Best Answer

Divide by text in quotes.

So if you want to divide A1 which contain "1h 30m" by "9m" then use the following function A1 ÷ "9m" (A1 contains "1h 30m"). This is the equivalent of putting "9m" in B1 and then in using the function "A1 ÷ B1" in C3: Both will give you 10 because 9 minutes goes into 1 hour 3 min 10 times.

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