Different keyboards layout


I'm the owner of a MacBook Air I bought just a few days ago. I live in Italy, so for the sake of being able to sell the machine when its time will come, I bought it with an Italian keyboard layout.
For programming I'm trying to get used to US layout, I just wanted to know a few things:

  1. what is the current US keyboard layout on Macs? I still can't find an "official" one.
  2. Through Preferences > Languages > Input I selected USA keyboard layout, but what I get is this layout:

my US layout

I'm pretty sure it's quite uncommon to have that odd glyph in the upper left corner, actually I don't even know its meaning.

Do you know how to access standard US keyboard?

Note I have this theory: since my keyboard has a different number of keys than the US one, maybe that's the reason why \ and | characters are on the extreme right rather than on the upper left corner.

Note 2 I'm aware of solutions like keyremap4macbook, I just wanted to know if this is possible without that.


This should be the layout I'm looking for.

Best Answer

I think this might be due to the fact that some European keyboards have a different arrangement of the keys. For example, compare the enter keys and the number of keys in each row.

So my (American) keyboard layout looks like this:

enter image description here

What I noticed is that on your screenshot, the layout is called "USA", and on mine it is "U.S.", maybe this helps to find the correct layout.