Dictionaries stored in MacOS


I’m studying the Dutch language, and the built-in dictionary has plenty of example sentences that are superior to the ones in the materials I’ve been working with from Loecsen.  I'd like to put many of them (a few at a time) into Anki for memory drill.

But Apple has disabled copy on the pop-up. Perhaps that’s a copyright issue, in which case my question is irrelevant. But if not, I’d like some way to get to them other than screen shot, OCR, and cleanup.

The same dictionary is also on my iPad, so a way to access that would be useful as well.

I understand they are XML, which would mean they shouldn't be hard to parse, but I haven't found anything like that so far.

Update: I’m still interested in the answer, but I found a source that’s better for my purposes.

Best Answer

"I’d like some way to get to them other than screen shot, OCR, and cleanup."

MacOS comes with a Dictionary.app which uses the same resources as the Lookup pop-up. You can copy text from there.

enter image description here

You can choose which dictionaries are included in the app's Preferences.

The Apple .dictionary format is not XML and is not human-readable without some decoding.