Detaching a chrome tab on catalina causes a jump to a different workspace


It is my habit to have dozens of chrome tabs open across a dozen workspaces in macOS.
Often I want to to re-organize these tabs.
For example, I may have an instance of chrome on workspace 5 with 10 tabs.
Let's say that I want to detach 3 of these to a separate instance of chrome on the same workspace.

This has worked fine for years. However, after the upgrade to macOS Catalina, when I detach the first tab, I and the tab are forced to a completely different workspace containing a completely different instance of chrome.
This is extremely disorienting and annoying and it happens every single time that I detach a single tab from an instance of chrome.

I've tried these commands in the terminal as suggested here:

 $ defaults write workspaces-auto-swoosh -bool YES
 $ killall Dock

But when I detach a tab now, the tab just seems to disappear.
It is actually transported to one of my 12 workspaces but I am not.
Now I have to go searching for it.

This is driving me insane.
Anyone have a work-around?

UPDATE: I've confirmed this is a bug in chrome not macOS mission control

This is so annoying that I switched to firefox and firefox does NOT experience the same issue.

Best Answer

Actually, I do get "teleported" with my tab, but that is also super annoying. Ordinarily I want the tab on the same desktop, that's why it was in that browser window in the first place.