Desktop and app in Split View

desktopsplit view

In my office, I have an LG ultrawide display connected to my MBP (which is inside a Henge dock). The size of the display allows me to use multiple apps in Split View really well. I often use two Parallels VMs next to each other in this way, and that works really great.

This got me thinking, however: is there any way to use a desktop in Split View next to a VM?
I'm guessing there is no 'official' way to do so, but is there any way to get this done, or get something similar going?

To further clarify:
What I'd like to achieve is this, but with my Mac desktop in stead of one of my VMs:

Side by side Parallels VMs

Best Answer

I think the answer is no, as the Desktop (with multiple windows, Dock, menu bar, etc.) is not a resizable window and so can't be split in the same way as other windows.

The best you can do is show the Desktop folder as a folder which can participate in the Split View.