Delete the contents of some TextEdit Documents (60 GB)? (and how?)


I recently noticed that there's only 60 GB of my 250 GB Macbook Pro diskspace left. I have been using it for only a few months and have only a few applications installed.

Disk Inventory X showed me that there are about 80000 textEdit Documents with 62 GB on my Mac. The Preview Document Category shows 18 GB.
Are these necessary?

I regularly use Cleaner and delete things manually.

Can I delete some of these contents without doing harm to the system?
I really need to clear some space and have no idea where all that diskspace went…

Thanks for your help, much appreciated!

Best Answer

In general, anything visibly stored inside your own User directory is fair game to delete if you no longer want it.

I say visibly because the Library folder in your User directory has some file that are safe to delete and others that may have unintended, nasty consequences.

Finally, some Applications and Applications bundles do contain stuff that you could delete safely, but, like the Library folder, it may be best to leave alone just in case.

BTW, unlike the suggestion below, I'd avoid using the rm command unless you know exactly what you are doing. Just drag the files you no longer want/need to the trash and empty it.