Decrypt iPod Music Files


I recently moved computers and don't have all my music in my iTunes (and honestly don't need it there anymore). I have all my music on my iPod and while I know how to get the music files off of it, they are encrypted. Is there a way to decrypt my music files to their original names so I can then back them up to my external hard drive?

Currently all the file names are seemingly random 4 characters.

I'm currently using Windows 7.

Best Answer

These files are not, in fact, encrypted. The id3 tags are still intact. If you re-add the files to iTunes, the proper names and artists should show up, assuming they were tagged correctly in the first place.

If you have "copy files to iTunes media folder when adding to library" and "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized" checked in advanced preferences, it should rename the files and put them in folders by artist in your music folder when you add the files to iTunes.