Creating a virtual serial port

command linegoogle mapsterminal

I'm trying to create a pair of virtual serial ports on my mac. This is fairly easy to do with many shareware programs on a PC. I figured there would be some uber-powerful shell command to do this in one line, but I can't find it.

I want to send NMEA data into one port, and have Google earth read the data out of the other.

Any tips?


MrDaniel's /dev/ptypx comment seemed to be interesting – I can pull it out of /dev/ttypx just fine in terminal.
But Google earth seems to be reading cu.deviceName instead of the /ttypx deveices..

specifically (Old Pro):

When trying to import the current location using a GPS (or NMEA stream piped through our virtual serial port), we go: Tools > GPS > Realtime to get to the import screen.
After selecting the NMEA option, and enabling realtime tracking, it looks for connected devices, and seems to look at:

  • usb:
  • /dev/cu.Bluetooth-PDA-Sync
  • /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Modem
  • /dev/cu.iPhone-WirelessAP

Even with our ttypx serial port operating ok, it doesn't look for it.
I would like to get the data from that device into Google Earth.

Best Answer

Google has an extremely useful tool for Arduino developers and it simulates serial ports very well on OS X for testing purposes. It only works until 10.6

(previously available from )

Might this help you?