Connecting to a remote machine with a public key using Fugu


How do I connect to a remote server with a public key using Fugu? I'm using Amazon EC2, so I have .pem public key, but I'm totally new to Fugu and I can't see any form or input for the public key. In the "connect to" text input shall I enter in my public DNS?

Best Answer

Note: I found entering -i ~/PATH/TO/ec2-keypair.pem didn't work for me, but another workaround in the same field worked.

In the "Advanced SFTP Options", in the same Additional SSH Options dialogue enter:


So, for example, if your EC2 instance looks like

with your key being at the root and named


then the relevant input is:

Connect to:

Username: root

Additional SSH options: -oIdentityFile=~/ec2-keypair.pem

Hope it works for you!