Click-lock Alternative


I was wondering if there was an alternative to click-lock for mac? I can't use drag lock because of limited hand movement. I need something where I can move the cursor to where I want to drag, hold down the left or right mouse button for a number of seconds, be able to release, and then it will be in infinite drag until I click again to release the drag (similar to how click-lock is on Windows). I tried to use btt, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

There is a built-in equivalent for trackpads, called dragging, which you find in System Preferences > Accessibility > Trackpad Options:

enter image description here

In case this is not sufficient for you or you need to use a mouse, have a look at the answers to this question. Currently the following third-party apps are being mentioned:

  • Hammerspoon (free) is a popular choice for gestures and automation. It offers a feature called "Grab Scroll".
  • Karabiner (free) a similar and popular tool.
  • Smooze (commercial)
  • Smart Scroll (commercial)

Better Touch Tool (commercial) is my personal favourite as it allows so much more, such as another Windows-inspired feature, called window snapping, etc. The procedure here would be as follows:

  1. Open BTT preferences
  2. Select Input device, i.e. Mouse
  3. Select Trigger. The one you mention (i.e. long press) currently seems not to be available. (I suggest you make a feature request on their forum. The developer is usually very open to such requests.) Instead you could do e.g. middle-click.
  4. Select action. Go to Window Resize & Move > Start/Stop Moving or search.

enter image description here