Check mail for certain word before sending

mail.appsnow leopard

I have mail templates with placeholders for names (ex. Dear XXXXXX).

Is it possible to make apple mail check the content of my mail when sending and to stop an email from getting send out when it finds my placeholders?

Best Answer

Are you committed to using just

If you go to and search for Mail Merge there are a page of hits. At first blush, this one seemed to be right up your alley, but I may not understand fully what you are looking for. Claims to use your address book, and a composed message, and it does the substituting.

If your outgoing messages are batched, take a look at external software for sending out email. In my other life I use Mail Chimp to send out news letters, but there are many many others, with various features.

A final possibility is to abandon alltogether, and throw together a perl script that does the substitutions, and makes a call to /bin/mail for sending.