Changing the primary email and thus Apple ID Fails. Can anyone help


My email provider and thus also email address are changing. Thus I carefully followed the procedure Apple provide to change the primary email used for Apple ID. I used the "Managing Apple ID" Web pages. I had already, as instructed, signed out of and closed all services and devices using the existing Apple ID.

However when I click "edit" and enter the replacement email and click "continue" but nothing happens. The progress circle continues turning and eventually the page times out. I have tried many things over 2 days!

It appears to be stuck but why? There is no verification code email delivered (even in "junk" etc) and no popup to receive a verification code anyway.

Have others encountered this frustration and if so how did you overcome it?

Best Answer

The answer to my questions is that there appears to be an incompatibility between the Apple "update ID" process and at least Internet Explorer - so a work round is to use Safari or another PC browser for the update.

I have not explored further and thus have no further suggestions - others may know the detail but I regret I am unable to suggest more.