Change font size for PDF Text comments in Preview


I would like to change the font size for PDF Text comments in Preview? I am aware that acrobat allows you to do this. I am looking for
a solution in Preview (Version 8.1 (877.7))

This is a variation of this post, or that post which apply respectively to text font size or comments in MS Word.

Here I want to change the font in
the comments of Preview.

Even if I copy a bigger text font inside it, it is made smaller once the note is closed. As this example shows, the comment font is too small for my eyes 🙂

Mathematica graphics

This might be relevant?


When I type

defaults read | grep PVAnnotationFontSize_5

I get

   "PVAnnotationFontSize_5" = 9;

So I tried

defaults write PVAnnotationFontSize_5 12

But it doe not seem to do the trick (even after login out and in again).

It did change the value though as can be seen via the Property list editor

Mathematica graphics

found in ~/Library/Containers/ as suggested by @ankiiiiiii

Best Answer

I figured it out. Download the tinker tool, then go to fonts and increase the size of the help tag and you're golden. The size of the notes in the preview will increase to 24. Relaunch preview to see the change. You can even delete the tinker tool after the setting is changed. The change in font size will remain. :) –