Can’t figure out how to correctly install .app


I downloaded a dmg which apparently OS X mounted as a drive or something. Then I googled around to find out I should ctrl+clicked -> open the program and get past the warning messages.

I closed the app, and dragged the .app file to launchpad. Then I ejected the mount DMG and now launchpad can't figure out where the app is. Apparently it just created a link.

How do you install applications on a mac? As a developer I find it hard to believe it could be this complex without the OS offering any helpful hints.

Best Answer

Apparently you should not drag the app to the launchpad, instead, drag the app to the application folder (open a finder window), or just do a $ cp /from /to.

So the process is:

  1. Open DMG (it mounts)
  2. Drag .app (and possibly other files) to your "Applications" folder
  3. Unmount/Eject the DMG
  4. Ctrl+click (right-click) to "open" so you can approve the app