Cannot save screenshot to file

screen capture

At some point in history I made some settings change somewhere to save screenshots to the clipboard instead of the default Desktop location. However, I did this somewhere else than this place:

enter image description here

I still most often want to use the clipboard, for instance when posting this question 🙂

My problem is that both with or without control modifier, they're always saved to clipboard. I think this is because I didn't use this setting here but something else that interferes/overrides. I currently have no way to store a screenshot without going through the hassle of creating a new file in preview to paste into… Any tips highly appreciated!

—- Update to clarify:

I have tried all the normal screencapture settings and currently have:

defaults read
    location = "/Users/viktor/screenshots";
    type = png;

However, there is still no way OSX ever produces any files, just clipboard. This is due to the fact that I made some more obscure change some time back that was not as simple as changing the shortcut like above or these plist settings that seem to be common now. What I need help with is finding out what that was to be able to restore. It was probably 5 years or so and my guess is that the shortcut settings for this didn't even exist at the time, therefore leaving me to use something else that now overrides this…

Best Answer

This link here should help you with what you want right now: