Cannot reach local web site using IP-address of macbook


I am running a web server locally, and I can reach it by typing


(this server is automatically started when I work on a web project in the Webstorm IDE by Jetbrains…)

Replacing localhost with also works fine.

However, if I use the IP address (at this time of writing, assigned to my macbook by DHCP for the wifi-network I am connected to, I am unable to connect to my site. My router is an Apple Airport Extreme with no particular configuration other than the default settings. Why is this not working?

My ultimate goal is to open this web site in browsers on different mobile devices on the same wifi-network, but then I at least have to make it work from the same computer hosting the site (I have tested with a mobile device and I fails in the same way)

Best Answer

Problem solved. I had to enable the option of accepting external connections in Webstorm settings.

Screenshot from the Webstorm IDE showing how to enable the option of accepting external connections