Can I use a 3rd party GPL2+/LGPL2+ library in an MPL 2 licenced iOS app?

dynamic libraryioslicense

I'm thinking of using libmpv to provide video playback in my MPL 2 Flutter app. I know that Apple is weird about GPL stuff (and using GPL stuff in a greater work is awkward), so I was just wondering if I was actually allowed to.

Here's the source code if it matters:

Best Answer

Apple does not really come into the equation here. There are no rules stating that you must specific open source licenses or anything like that.

In order to publish app on the App Store you need to have properly licensed code. It doesn't matter which license it is as such, you just need to have the rights to use the code in the manner you're choosing to do so.

If you want to know about combining (L)GPL code with MPL code in general, you can find a very thorough and practical set of instructions here: