Bootcamp and Filevault 2 boot to OS X before a restart allows Windows to load


I've got a mid 2011 MBA with Windows 7 running via Bootcamp. In Lion, i've enabled Filevault 2.

Normally, when I turn my laptop on, I first enter the filevault password before the laptop boots into OS X.

If I am trying to boot into Windows, I hold down alt/option, select the Windows partition and let the laptop boot. However, what seems to happen is, the filevault screen that normally shows when I first turn my laptop on shows, I enter the password and I seem to end up in OS X! I then need to restart, hold down alt/option and select the Windows partition again. This then gets me in.

Is this normal behaviour? Or is there something I need to change?

Best Answer

I think it's a timing issue, you need to ensure that you press the option key early enough in the boot process to stop the normal boot and subsequent Fielvault login. The best way to do this is to ensure you have not muted the machine to you get the "bong" noise when you start/restart your machine. You need to hit alt/option immediately when you hear this, and keep it pressed for 5 seconds or so.