Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition (OS X) and Dropbox


I was trying to share the saved games of Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition using Dropbox (on OS X). Configuration files are stored in

~/Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/Data/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition

The options file Baldur.ini should not be shared as it contains machine specific data but I tried to make the saves folder a symbolic link to a Dropbox folder but then data is not recognised.

My workaround is to manually copy the folder to and from Dropbox after and before playing but I would like to know if someone found a better alternative.


The goal is to share the saved games between two machines using Dropbox (or another cloud storage server). Sharing the whole container is not an option as the settings file is machine specific.

As it seems that the question is not clear: How do I share Baldur's Gate saved games using Dropbox?

Best Answer

It is because of the sandbox. If you will look in your console you will see errors like: ...kernel[0]: Sandbox: Baldur's Gate...deny file-write-data .../Dropbox/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition/Baldur.ini

looking into how to allow this; I suspect that a hard link (instead of symbolic) would work. Best be sure you understand what that means before doing it.

Another way to do it would be to symlink the entire sandbox container for BGEE instead of linking a subpath. instead of a symbolic link for ~/Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/Data/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition make one for `~/Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition

I haven't tested this with BG:EE, but I've done it with other sandboxes and it works.