Automounting NFS 4 results in kernel panic


Has anyone been able to get a working NFS 4 automount in Mac OS X?

I'm desperately trying to find a way to automatically mount a NFS v4 share from my NAS to my MacBook Pro with Mac OS 10.11.6, but keep hitting a kernel panic.

Upon boot/login, the automount works perfectly. And I can manually u/mount the share (mount -o nfsvers=4 nas:/nfs/htpc-media /tmp/foobar) without trouble. But when I put my Mac to sleep, I get a kernel panic about 2 seconds after waking it back up.

NFS v3 works a little better, but it will still occasionally crash after a few wakes. I'd really prefer to run v4 services only.

Here's the client setup:

  • /etc/auto_master

    # Automounter master map
    +auto_master            # Use directory service
    /net                    -hosts          -nobrowse,hidefromfinder,nosuid,nfc
    /home                   auto_home       -nobrowse,hidefromfinder
    /Network/Servers        -fstab
    /-                      -static
    /- auto_nfs
  • /etc/auto_nfs

    /nfs/media -fstype=nfs,nfsvers=4,soft,intr nas:/nfs/htpc-media

And on the NAS (running Debian Stretch):

  • /etc/exports

    /nfs/htpc-media *(ro,no_subtree_check,insecure,fsid=1)

Stuff I've tried:

  • turning off firewalls on both ends
  • using IP addresses instead of hostnames (i.e. instead of nas – rules out DNS issues)
  • lots of permutations of client mount options
  • booting Mac OS X into safe mode (rules out kext)
  • poring through Console to see if there's anything interesting or related
  • automounting shares from a completely separate server (rules out server misconfiguration)

Am I missing something obvious? Any help would be appreciated. Happy to post crash logs if that'd be useful.

Best Answer

I hit this same problem, mounting NFSv4 volumes on a High Sierra (10.13.3) MacBook Pro, from a known-good Solaris server.

I unchecked the "put hard disks to sleep when possible" option in the Energy Saver prefs, and I haven't seen it since.