Automount NFS when on specific wifi


I'd like to be able to mount an nfs NAS mount point whenever I connect to my home network and initiate an rsync to it.
I saw the post for "How can I automount afp volumes at startup? ", although there are some similarities, my trigger is quite different.
Would appreciate any help figuring this one out with automator. Apologies if this is already answered elsewhere.

Best Answer

OK, what follows is an adapted version of a shell script that I have running on my local Macs to auto mount certain AFP volumes when I'm at home. You'll need to adjust the mount_nfs line, enter the MAC address for your home router, and adjust the volume name for the mount (if you want).

I have this script triggered to run every 5 minutes via a launchd file in ~/Library/LaunchAgents

Code on Pastebin