Automatically sync folder contents in the background

automatordata synchronizationfolderssmb

Since Lion still won't allow me to search the SMB volumes I need, I'm planning on syncing them to a local folder that will be indexed by Spotlight. What's the best way to sync folders automatically in the background? I don't want to open up an app and manually hit a button to capture the newly added files, so I'm hoping that there's something out there. Thanks for your help!


Best Answer

Have a look at the answers to this question: Auto sync local files to remote many of those suggestions are also relevant to you.

Another approach, if all you are trying to do is get Spotlight to index the SAMBA share, is to try running the commands:

mdutil /Volumes/x -i on mdutil /Volumes/x -p on

where x is the Volume name of the drive.

I have heard that this will enable Spotlight to index the network share.

More info and discussion here: