Automate workspace setup


I'm a software developer and I often have to switch between different projects, each with its own environment setup. Some actions I have to do each time include:

  • creating ssh tunnels
  • connecting database inspectors
  • applying git stashes with local dev connection strings
  • starting local servers
  • opening specific IDE on the right project
  • recovering Postman saved requests for the specific project
  • set env variables

Those are all very basic tasks, but I have to do them every time with great time waste and chances to mess up.
It would be really cool to have something like:

  • an "application" or "desktop icon" named after the project
  • click on it and it will open a dedicated workspace with everything ready to start developing
  • keep the local environment isolated

Is there something like this I can setup on my Mac?


Best Answer

Yes. You can automate things on macOS.

Before you start, since you are a developer - make a time budget for things you need to do so you can learn how to automate. Then have fun learning things, the first is how to split up a project into small tasks.

Have you tried seeing how much time you can waste on containers? (jk, not really) it’s far superior to making lots of user accounts and you can’t just use virtual environments for such a wide ranging project.