Battery – When to Replace Based on Cycle Count


My battery has become quite a pain in the neck recently, It's not lasting much more than about 2 or 3 hours and that's usually just using basic programs like chrome or pages etc. It's difficult for me because I use it quite a lot at school, and unfortunately school is a lot longer than 2-3 hours…I also use a lot of very intensive programs like blender and unity, but usually I try to only do that at home with my charger.

enter image description here

At the moment it tells me I've done 621 cycles and tells me its in normal condition (pfft, normal…) Is that actually normal? Also, should I be thinking about replacing it with a new one, if so, is it expensive and will it actually make much of a difference, and if it shouldn't be replaced what can I do to make it better?

Thanks, Matthew


This is what CoconutBattery tells me:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Charge Cycle means nothing, assume you plugged in all the time for 5 or 6 years, the cycle is still 0 but does it mean your battery is 100% health? No.

You should search for your macbook model to find out what is the design capacity of your macbook, and divided by your current max full charge capacity to find out the health of the battery. Or you may download some software that help you to calculate automatically.

Let say for the below screenshot, macbook pro design capacity is 8450mah, but now my maximum charge is 8429mah, so the health is 8429/8450 = 99.8%

enter image description here