Are there any SSD drives not from Apple for which you can enable TRIM without hacking OS X’s kernel


I would like to see if there is a way of getting TRIM support on SSD drives gotten from other manufacturers.

As far as I know, Apple does not produce SSD drives so if I get a similar drive not from them it should work? Or maybe they have custom firmware?

Best Answer

Enabling TRIM on third party SSDs

You can enable TRIM on third party SSDs by using a tool called Trim Enabler which "works by patching a kernel extension, and also includes some SMART data to check the health of the SSD drive". [1]

I don't know if buying similar drive will get you TRIM to be auto-enabled in Lion. User @kukoo reports that he has bought an OEM-SSD which auto-enabled TRIM in Lion after installation. [2]

According to user @bmike, Apple usually uses custom firmware . [3]

Is enabling TRIM necessary?

User @cksum has covered this as a part of his answer to a post "Optimize MacBook Pro for internal SSD+HDD drives".