Are old podcast episodes removed from the iTunes store


Today I realized I sort of abandoned podcasts a while ago, and I went to the iTunes store to look for good ones. Every podcast I looked at, though, only displayed some of the more recent episodes. I want to start at the beginning of these! Here are just a few examples.

Is iTunes deleting old episodes from their store? If so, is there any pattern to it? (WWDTM only has a few months of podcasts, while the Stack Exchange podcast has a few years' worth, yet both are missing the older episodes.)

Regardless of what's causing it, is there anywhere I can find the old episodes?

Best Answer

If the podcast's feed has history archived in the Wayback Machine (which many are), you can use Backfeed1 to generate a feed which includes all current and often2, all historical episodes.

1. disclaimer: I created Backfeed, since I was annoyed at the same problem.
2. limited by what is available in the wayback machine within a sane number of API requests.