Finder – Fix Apps Folder View Settings Resetting


I have a small problem with my apps folder (/Applications/).

Whenever I change the view settings, for example, the size of the text, and click "Use as standard", it works fine.

But after some time, definitely after reboot or logout, those settings are not applied anymore and the old, ugly style is being used.

I heard that the file .DS_Store contains these settings. There is none in my apps folder, so I created one, but it didn't even save, no warning or error was given.

In all other folders, this works fine.

Does anybody have an idea to make my apps folder to stick to the chosen view settings permanently?

Best Answer

First of all, Finder uses a binary file format for this and you can't create the .DS_Store file yourself. Only Finder can do that (and usually will create it after you have first accessed the folder).

In case of the /Applications folder, it might be that you don't have administrator privileges which might prevent saving the .DS_Store file.

So you should check the permissions on this folder and set it to writeable by your user. This is not possible however if you're not the owner of your system.

I've searched the net and found other people having similar problems like you.

First thing suggested was to delete the Finder permissions file:


can you try to do that, then logout/reboot and tell me in a comment if the view settings persist?

Edit: even if you're currently the only user, it's possible that your computer had previous (now deleted users) with the admin rights set for some folders on your system including the /Applications folder. You then need to set the rights to your user. Usually changing the permission modes should not be necessary.

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