How to Add Disk to Apple Software RAID Array Online


I recently purchased a WD Thunderbolt Duo, which has two 4 TB drive, now running in RAID 0 with Apple Software RAID.

My question is simple, if I am to get another Thunderbolt Duo next year, is it possible to add the two additional disks to RAID 0 without going offline? (Copying files out, and then destroy the RAID set, build the new RAID set and then copy the file back.)

Best Answer

  • So you currently have Disk1 + Disk2 = RAID Set1(striped)
  • You want to know if you can RAID Set1 + Disk3 + Disk4 = RAID Set(striped). Disk Utility doesn't allows this.
  • You can however have Disk3 + Disk4 = RAID Set2(striped) and then use a symbolic link or mounting to move the set to a location that is convenient for you.
  • You would think that you could Disk1 + Disk2 = RAID Set1(striped), Disk3 + Disk4 = RAID Set2(striped), RAID Set1 + RAID Set2 = RAID Set3(concatenated). Unfortunately it doesn't look like Disk Utility allows this.
  • Or you do what you mentioned earlier, and backup everything then blow away your existing RAID Set to create a new one with all 4 disks.