Apple Music – Track Play Count Stats


Is there a way to access play count or stats in general from an iPhone? Either Apple Music stats or local-content specific, doesn't necessarily matter, just can't seem to find anything like that.

Best Answer

Yes, you can see these details with a third party app

  • Genre
  • Rating
  • Track #
  • Composer
  • Lyrics
  • Date Added
  • Last Played
  • Last skipped
  • Play Count
  • Skip Count

SmartPlaylist on the App Store

SmartPlaylist Website

As of today the app costs $2.99 (in the US App Store). I bought it for the Smart Playlist functionality that I grew accustomed to with my iPod mini/iPod classic.

To see the play count and other statistics follow these steps

  1. Play your desired song in the
  2. Open
  3. Tap Menu in the lower left
  4. Select Now Playing
  5. Double-tapping a field like "Skipped" or "Released" will show you the time as well.