Apple Music listening history


Is there a way find a history of listened to music through Apple Music. The way I'm using it right now is:

  1. Search for a given album/artist on the search bar on iTunes
  2. The "New" tab is selected? (I can't understand why, most of the music I'm searching for were released decades ago)
  3. I click on the big play button on the top – albums starts playing
  4. I continue searching for more music, seeing related artists, etc

If I ever want to go back to the album view, I need to keep pressing the 'Back' button until the album appears. If I ever quit iTunes, I probably won't be able to find the album, unless I added it to my library.

I might just go back using

Best Answer

Its available to me off the menu in the header. click the menu icon, then click the clock icon in the pop-up. Previously Played Popup