App icon switches to low resolution upon launching an app


Recently I started getting this really weird but annoying bug. While the app is in the Dock but not working, its icon is in good resolution. But once I open it, the icon switches to low resolution. Same thing with its icon in the app switcher (Command + Tab) view.

It only affects the Wolfram Mathematica app. I tried reinstalling the program as well as the whole Mac OS X, but it's still there, anyone know how to fix it?

I am running Mac OS X Mojave.

Before launching the app:

enter image description here

After launching the app:

enter image description here

Version of Mathematica:

enter image description here

Best Answer

This appears to be a bug in the app itself. It's also affecting the Wolfram app and affects not only the icon in the dock, but also the app switcher icon. I tried creating a new WolframDesktop.icns file, but the application still reverts back to the lower resolution icon on my 13" MacBook Pro. The icon renders fine on a 15" MacBook Pro. Both are running Mojave.