An apple script for google dictionary pronunciation


The following is the link to Goole dictionary pronunciation files:–_us_1.mp3

If you substitute "pronunciation" with your own word, you get that word's pronunciation.

I wonder if it is possible to develop a script in mac which allows the user to type his word and the script fetches its pronunciation through the above link. I can already use the automator to fetch the definition for a new word (by using the code presented here) through the link below by adding words after the equal sign.

But I don't know how I can insert words in the mentioned place in the pronunciation link.

Best Answer

In bash, it's very easy:

cd ~/Desktop; curl --remote-name-all --silent --url \\

That will download the files for wrought, drought, rough, and thorough, and save them on the desktop.

If you want to put it in an AppleScript:

    set word_list to {"wrought", "drought", "rough", "thorough"}

    set my text item delimiters to ","
    set my text item delimiters to {word_list as text, "{word-list}"}

    set curl to "cd ~/Desktop; curl --remote-name-all --silent --url " & ¬
        "" & ¬

    text items of curl as text

    do shell script the result

To obtain user input to allow a user to supply a word to feed into the URL, replace the first line with these two:

    display dialog "Enter a word:" default answer "pronunciation"
    set word_list to {text returned} of the result