Alias multiple folders into one


Here's the thing:
I'm organizing my document (for example to organize papers). I divide them into subsections, (ex: astrophysics & quantum physics) and all those sections have a "Read", "Reading" and "To Read" folders. Could I alias all the files contained in the folder efficiently to have a folder where all papers (or at least their aliases) are present (no matter if they were in astrophysics or quantum physics). I wouldn't mind using automator folder actions if shown how…

Example Folder Structure:

All Read:
    Nice paper I read about astrophysics.alias
    Nice paper I read about Quantum Physics.alias
All Reading:
    Nice paper I am reading about astrophysics.alias
    Nice paper I am reading about Quantum Physics.alias
All To Read:
    Nice paper I should read about astrophysics.alias
    Nice paper I should read about Quantum Physics.alias
        Nice paper I read about astrophysics.pdf
        Nice paper I am reading about astrophysics.pdf
    To Read:
        Nice paper I should read about astrophysics.pdf
Quantum Physics:
        Nice paper I read about Quantum Physics.pdf
        Nice paper I am reading about Quantum Physics.pdf
    To Read:
        Nice paper I should read about Quantum Physics.pdf

Best Answer

Something like find .. -name "*.pdf" -exec ln -s {} basename

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