Administrator of this Mac Disabled Your User Account from Accessing USB Network Gate


When I try to install the application "USB Network Gate" I get message "Administrator of this Mac Disabled Your User Account from Accessing USB Network Gate. If your require further assistance, please contact your local/network administrator."

enter image description here

I'm logged in as user "admin" and "Allow user to administer this computer" is checked in my account.

I'm trying to install the app from a downloaded .dmg file. I've had no issues installing other applications.

How can I install this application?

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

According to the wiki available on the official web-site, current user should be a member of the "staff" group to get rid of the "Administrator of this Mac disabled your user account..." message.

Check whether the user is a member of the "staff" group:

dscl . -read /groups/staff | grep GroupMembership

If not, add the user to the "staff" group":

sudo dscl . -append /groups/staff GroupMembership <user>

where <user> is the user's numeric ID or account name.

Hope this will be helpful as well.