Address Book / AppleScript plugins no longer working in Mojave


For years, I've relied on an AppleScript (.scpt) file placed in ~/Library/Application Scripts/ to provide click-to-dial functionality via our Asterisk PBX directly from macOS Up until 10.13.6, this worked well.

Since Mojave 10.14 (also tested on 10.14.1 beta) the script's menu item no longer appear.

I've tried to inspect the running process in Activity Monitor's "Open Files & Ports" tab, thinking that maybe Apple moved the Plug-Ins folder—but that revealed nothing.

Does anyone know if this feature has been removed? Or any way restore this functionality?

I found this thread on Apple's forum (no answer yet):

Best Answer

I heard back from a Developer Technical Support Engineer at Apple and he said:

"I’ve asked the engineering team about this and indeed, we have removed support for both compiled and AppleScript-based AddressBook plugins in Mojave 10.14."

His suggestion was to file an enhancement request via their Bug Reporter. Sorry for the bad news.