Add Account in Outlook 2011 is greyed out

ms office

I try to add a new email account to Outlook 2011 for Mac. On the "Enter your account information" sheet the "Add Account" button is greyed out (only the Cancel button is visible). I cannot add a directory service or exchange account, I cannot add anything 🙂 Everytime the the "Add" button is greyed out 🙁

The two screenshots show the problem: the button to add a new account is disabled (even if I fill in all the values).

enter image description here

enter image description here

UPDATE: it depends on the provided email address… If I use an email address with subdomain, it does not work or rather the button is disabled.

Best Answer

If I provide an email address without subdomain, enter the imap server manually and after that change the email address to the correct one it is working ^^